Monday, July 28, 2014

Invite the Angels....

Invite the Archangels to Visit for Five Days

Dear Friends,
archmichaelYou are invited to host Archangels Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel and Metatron from FRIDAY, August 1st, 2014, and then you can find three people to host them from August 10th  and so on (5 24-hour days on, 5 off, etc… don’t get too hung up on the math!).
The Archangels stay with you for 5 days, bringing healing, support and much more to assist you and your journey. They have five days off in between the people who host them before they move on. You, your home and everyone and everything in your home will be blessed by the angels during the time of their visit with you. It helps to bring more light and peace and love to your home.
The hosting of the Archangels was started in New York in 2010 through someone’s spiritual guidance. It is an honor and a gift to allow your family and home to be imprinted with their LIGHT, but it does ask for your personal participation.
Keep in mind that by hosting the five Archangels, Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel and Metatron, you are assisting them to serve humanity, Mother Earth and all universes in more direct ways and they thank you for your willingness to participate.
Just an extra bit of information:
  • Archangel Michael is the Head Archangel. His name means “One who looks like God.” He helps to clears toxins associated with fear, assists in people’s life purpose and career path, abundance, protection, defense, power, justice and strength. He is in the position of South.
  • Uriel assists with enlightenment, heals every aspect of your life, unconditional forgiveness, peace. He is in charge of the nature spirits and is in the position of North. 
  • Raphael is healer of mind, thoughts, body and soul, custodian of The Tree of Life (Kabala), God’s Physician. He is the angel of divine healing and is in the position of East.
  • Gabriel brings good news in abundance, discerning messages received and what we give out. He is a messenger between Heaven and Earth, communication, writing & art. He helps with balance of energies. He is the angel for announcing and carrying our prayers and intentions to God and stands in the position of West.  
  • Metatron looks after children, led the children of Israel out of the wilderness. He can transmute time and space, sacred geometry. Some say he is the overseer of all of the angels and nature spirits.
They all work with God to make sure that you are kept safe and protected. In these times of so many earth shifts and changes on the planet, it is very helpful to know and work with the beings of light who help us work with the energies of earth, air, fire, and water and who can help us restore peace and harmony to Mother Earth.  So I hope you will feel called to invite them into your home and heart.

After their visit, you can ask them to visit 3 (or more!) different people and give them their addresses. Send the next hosts the ritual below, and specify to them the date of arrival and departure of the Archangels from their home. The time (10:30pm) stays the same – and it is always the local time. The Archangels’ stay is always 5 full 24-hour days, and then they rest for 5 days before coming back for another 5 days on Earth and so on. (They can visit an unlimited number of people.. )
The Ritual:
You will welcome and host them for 5 days after having prepared a little altar with:
  • A white flower (or bouquet)
  • A candle that will stay on the all time they are with you (It needs to be on shortly before they arrive to show them where they are awaited. If needed, it can be blown out when you go out)
  • An envelope containing a letter with 3 wishes. One for Mother Earth. One for your Family. One for You. Formulate the wishes the most simple way. Not too many details. Summarize the best you can.
  • On the envelope, you will put an apple that you will eat after they leave.
  • The house should be tidy.
Light the candle a few minutes before their arrival. When they will arrive in front of your home at 10:30pm sharp, you must open the front door and read this prayer:
“Please enter Archangels, and be welcome. You were sent to me from Jeanine Sande (fill in name of person who sent them)
Thank you for coming here and for enveloping my home, all within, and all who visit, with purity and peace. Thank you for having chosen to come here and bless my life and the lives of the people around me with Harmony, Love, Joy, Wisdom, and Strength.
Thank you for granting me my wishes.”

From that moment, the Archangels make things happen!
  • It is recommended to meditate and to ask questions during the day. There is no limitation. TRUST.
  • They can be in more than one place at a time. When you go out, you can ask them to come with you, if appropriate.
  • You can sit at a table with a piece of paper and a pen and ask questions around 10:30pm.  You will easily get responses this way if your other spiritual channels are not already opened.
  • You may be awake between 3am and 5am with insights and guidance.
  • Start to prepare the list of the names and addresses of the 3 people who you will ask the Archangels to visit after you.
Farewell Ceremony: When it is time for them to leave: 10:30pm on the 5th day, say the following:
“Thank you dearest Archangels, for visiting my home and for your blessings upon me, all within, and all visitors. Thank you for your blessings of Harmony, Love, Joy, Wisdom and Strength, that are for my benefit and for the benefit of others. Thank you also for the work you have done and are doing to fulfill the three wishes which are very important to me. Goodbye Dearest Archangels. Please go to the following people:…(say out loud the names and addresses)
Open your front door and wish them a good trip.
Once they have left (that night or the next day):
  • Burn the envelope with your wishes in order to free the energy to allow them to happen. Take the ashes and drop them in a stream of water (not stagnant water). If you live in a cold country, the kitchen sink is acceptable as the water will be recycled to Mother Earth. Express your gratitude.
  • Eat the apple. It will contain lots of good nutrients and more for you.
  • Place the flower outside directly on Mother Earth so that it recycles in a natural way.
  • Send this Ritual to the people who will host them next.
(Note: Relax and enjoy, get creative. Pass the angels on to as many or as few friends as you choose. About the candle, I got a big candle, and am blowing it out at night and when I leave. You can also use tea lites. Give yourself permission to think outside of the “rules”. Some people have re-invited the angels to come on their own, without needing anyone to send them. Another will send them away on the specified date, and ask them to return five days later. Others have kept the altar going, and not sent them off at all.)
** I need your name and physical address to send the Archangels to you! Please email me the info at
Enjoy the Sweetest Blessings,
PS Thank you Jeanne Sande for this beautiful write up!

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